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  1. [Have]BTN,PTP,x264 looking for HDBits Art Of Misdirection Exigo Music MagicTorrents FSC TheVault BitMe NorBits SceneHD Sinderella TheOccult or Good offer
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  5. After numerous reports regarding NBA 2K14‘s online issues and problems with crashing, Xbox One and PlayStation 3 players are still plagued with difficulties in spite of attempted patches from 2K Games. Researching the problem on the 2K Games Forum‘s and the 2K Games official technical support Twitter account shows an abundance of people complaining about the various problems with NBA 2K14. These problems have included a variety of issues from the loss of Virtual Currency (which is earned or purchased), instable servers causing dropped games, corrupted save files, problems running online leagues & the MyGM modes. This is also a negative of making systems and games mandatory to be online to play. If the servers don’t work, you’re stuck with a sixty dollar disk. This is certainly an incredibly frustrating situation for everyone involved. Sports franchises thrive on yearly installments for their games by making dedicated players put up good money for what usually is a few tweaks in gameplay and a roster overhaul in most cases. But when a game’s basic modes provides problems for games patience is going to run thin very fast. These problems had caused a wave complaints to the point where it takes support over a week to address gamers who have taken the time to try and fix their problems with NBA 2K14. Some fans have had such an issue with this that there are over 2,000 supporters for a petition asking for an apology or some sort of refund. 2K Sports has been pretty quiet on the matter but has released a couple of patches. However, the overall dissatisfaction remains pretty high as more and more players are experiencing issues with this highly reviewed basketball title. Another issue worth mentioning is that MyGM and My Player modes will not work offline, but then these modes can’t be played if the 2K Servers are down. The worst part of all this is that with the limited amount of next-gen titles, is that a lot of people would love to be playing NBA 2K14 right now but these issues are making it harder and harder for players to enjoy their games. A potentially easy fix to this problem could be to release the game every other year, offering a re-vamped roster update yearly (with discounted purchase to ensure the video game company still makes money yearly). This would give 2K Sports (and other sports companies) time to properly test servers, beta test and develop titles so there isn’t a mess of problems with a rushed title. Updating games every other year would also let gamers see significant improvement in titles ensuring more purchases of the latest titles. It seems pretty clear that rushing next-gen versions of NBA 2K14 for the Xbox One & PlayStation 4 is the main problem. If 2K Sports would have just taken the time to make sure NBA 2K15 was properly ready for the next-gen systems, I’m sure it would have caused less damage to their reputation than all of the patches addressing NBA 2K14. It never seemed like it could a reality a few years ago, but if EA Sports can actually put together a good basketball title with properly working online play, then 2K Sports could be in a lot of trouble.
  6. Last night, Sony released v1.70 firmware update for the PlayStation 4, adding numerous key features including HDCP disabling and the addition of ShareFactory. Unfortunately, users have flocked to Reddit to note issues and bugs they are having with the update. One Reddit user reported a black screen bug upon disabling HDCP. After disabling HDCP and launching SHAREfactory, the user wrote: "After playing around with a BF4 clip for a few minutes, and being quite impressed I realized I couldn't hear any sound. So I backed out, went to Amazon to quickly play some TV to check that sound was working (quicker than loading a game, or so I thought) and went straight to a black screen. Despite numerous reboots, I've since been unable to connect directly from PS4–>HDMI–>TV. I just get the black screen." Another user in a separate thread said, "Ever since I updated my ps4 has been flickering like crazy, even when not attached to my elgato capture card. It seems like once I turn HDCP off, it blinks like a mad man, and won't stop til I turn it back on.. really confused and disappointed about this." Within each thread, others noted they were seeing similar issues, and some even offered solutions. If you are having problems, it is worth clicking through the links above. For more information on the update itself, here is the full update list via Sony. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMQ4H4UtE6Q
  7. Below Dev: Microsoft Collaboration Is the 'Best-Case Scenario' Nathan Vella, co-founder and president of Cabybara Games, believes that collaborating with Microsoft on Below is not only good for the game, but also his studio. Speaking with Edge Magazine, Vella talked about the company's relationship with Microsoft, specifically regarding the upcoming rogue-like Below. “Microsoft catches a lot of sh** — some of it deserved, some not — but they understand our goals,†Vella said. “They understand the goals of the game and of the company, instead of trying to shove us in a direction that would benefit them a little more and us a little less. [This is] the best-case scenario for both the project and the studio." According to Vella, Microsoft is even letting Capy self-publish Below on Xbox One via ID@Xbox — it was originally planned to be published by Microsoft Game Studios — which led to the indie studio bringing the rogue-like game to other platforms, like Steam. Below does not have a final release date at this time, though, for either platform. IGN was floored by Below at PAX East earlier this year, noting the game's sense of mystery and exploration. While Microsoft and Capy haven't confirmed Below appearing at E3 this year, it's likely we'll see the game appear again in June at the annual video game event.
  8. Update comes as in-the-wild attacks get meaner, target XP for first time. Microsoft has released an emergency update for all recent Windows operating systems—including the recently decommissioned XP—fixing a critical security bug that is currently being exploited in real-world attacks. The decision to patch XP underscores the potential seriousness of the vulnerability. Since it resides in versions 6 through 11 of Internet Explorer, the remote code-execution hole leaves an estimated 26 percent of Internet browsers susceptible to attacks that can surreptitiously install hacker-controlled backdoors when users visit a booby-trapped website. By some measures, 28 percent of the Web-using public continues to use the aging OS, which lacks crucial safety protections built into Windows 7 and 8.1. Thursday's release demonstrates the razor-thin tightrope Microsoft walks as it tries to wean users off a platform it acknowledges is no longer safe against modern hacks. While the XP fix may deprive some laggards of the incentive to upgrade, Microsoft also has a responsibility to prevent exploits that could turn large numbers of the Internet population into compromised platforms that attack others. Attacks grow by “multiple, new threat actors†The Microsoft patch comes as the in-the-wild attacks exploiting the vulnerability have expanded to include XP users running IE 8, researchers from security firm FireEye reported Thursday. Previously, the IE attacks FireEye observed targeted only versions 9, 10, and 11 running on Windows 7 and 8. "We have also observed that multiple, new threat actors are now using the exploit in attacks and have expanded the industries they are targeting," Thursday's blog post from FireEye reported. "In addition to previously observed attacks against the defense and financial sectors, organization in the government- and energy sector are now also facing attack." The Microsoft patch will be delivered automatically to anyone who has Windows configured to receive automatic updates. While there are a variety of settings users can manually make to prevent successful exploits on unpatched systems, people should install the update as soon as possible. Users should strongly consider upgrading to IE 11 and ensure that Enhanced Protection Mode—which is on by default—is in place. For those using apps that aren't compatible with IE 11, IE 10 with Enhanced Protected Mode is the next safest option. Those still using Windows XP should recognize that their OS choice is a danger to themselves and others, and they should take whatever steps are needed to switch to a safer platform. "Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP, and the company continues to encourage customers to migrate to a modern operating system, such as Windows 7 or 8.1," company representatives wrote in an e-mail. "The threat landscape has changed, and attackers have become more sophisticated. Modern operating systems like Windows 7 and 8.1 have more safety and security features than older operating systems like Windows XP." In a blog post that coincided with the Windows patch, Adrienne Hall, the general manager of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing group, seemed to anticipate criticism that is likely to result from the decision to throw XP users a lifeline after more than a year of warnings that they would be on their own after the first week in April. She wrote: According to FireEye, the security protections built in to Windows 7 and 8 require attackers to work much harder to successfully exploit the IE vulnerability. Among other things, the exploits must corrupt Adobe Flash vector objects to bypass a measure known as address space layout randomization. The process of bypassing mitigations in XP, by contrast, is much easier. "This new tactic of specifically targeting those running Windows XP means the risk factors of this vulnerability are now even higher," FireEye researchers Dan Caselden and Xiaobo Chen wrote. Ultimately, Microsoft's decision to blink and push a fix of XP users is on balance the right move. It eradicates what's arguably the most severe vulnerability threating the Internet at this moment rather than leaving large swaths of users vulnerable to remote code-execution attacks that are trivial to carry out. That said, the patch may embolden or at least remove an significant update incentive for people who continue to use XP. Either choice Microsoft could have made was likely to generate risks, not to mention blistering criticism.
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