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Invite Scene - #1 to Buy, Sell, Trade or Find Free Torrent Invites

#1 TorrentInvites Community. Buy, Sell, Trade or Find Free Torrent Invites for Every Private Torrent Trackers. HDB, BTN, AOM, DB9, PTP, RED, MTV, EXIGO, FL, IPT, TVBZ, AB, BIB, TIK, EMP, FSC, GGN, KG, MTTP, TL, TTG, 32P, AHD, CHD, CG, OPS, TT, WIHD, BHD, U2 etc.



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Everything posted by chillinlife

  1. you are 7th person who said i fought :@. no i wasnt. this is the way i always talk with anyone, i think you know me ............... and thanks for info and also want to know IRC port
  2. this is only spam. this member not going to giveaway his invitations to anyone even topic is one month old and user last activity at IS is 13 aug (which is almost about to be month). in my opinion this member this post is only for reputation and also he tried to trade these invites. Popeye ( HDWing ) and BruceWillis ( x264.me ) also he start trading thread in trade-section ( HDwings ) post date 10 aug. maybe he creating attractive post for earn some REPUTATION and some day come back and scam someone with his reputation. In my opinion close this thread and remove reputations and thanks
  3. this is only spam. this member not going to giveaway his invitations to anyone even topic is one month old and user last activity at IS is 13 aug (which is almost about to be month). in my opinion this member this post is only for reputation and also he tried to trade these invites. Popeye ( HDWing ) and BruceWillis ( x264.me ) also he start trading thread in trade-section ( HDwings ) post date 10 aug. maybe he creating attractive post for earn some REPUTATION and some day come back and scam someone with his reputation. In my opinion close this thread and remove reputations and thanks
  4. SceneTime is looking for dedicated Moderators/Torrent Editors that have some knowledge about what involves this job, if you want to be a part of the staff team send a PM.
  5. Original: 11月7日:全民体验VIPï¼ŒåŠ ç«™é•¿å¾®ä¿¡cnhdcnhd,11月7日晚上8点站长将在朋å‹åœˆå‘放é¢å€¼1个 月VIP充值å¡ï¼Œå…‰æ£ä¼šå‘˜æ¯äººå‡å¯å……值。 Google Translate: November 7: National Experience VIP, plus webmaster micro-channel cnhdcnhd, webmaster will be released in my circle of friends nominal one month VIP prepaid card, singles membership per person per recharge.
  6. Original; Hétvégi torrent áradat keretében minden Xvid torrent 1 GB feltöltést eredményezhet,ami a feltöltési szabályzatnak megfelel! Az e heti akció időtartalma: 2013.11.08 00:01-tól 2013.11.10 23:59-ig. Mostantól kezdve minden hétvégén más kategóriában várjuk a feltöltéseket,amiről az adott héten olvashattok! Google Translate; Weekend torrent in flood Xvid torrent 1GB upload every result, which corresponds to the filling rules! The duration of this week's action: 08/11/2013 from 00:01 to 23:59, 11/10/2013. From now on, every weekend, looking forward to the other categories were added, about which you can read in the same week!
  7. Spo0ky Days 2013 Vége - Hozzászólok a fórumban! Kitartó munkátoknak köszönhetően a gonosz lelkek, zombik, boszorkányok és egyéb démoni teremtmények visszavonulót fújtak, ezért az idei Spo0ky Days ma 22:00-kor véget ér. Ennek mellékhatásaként a meghívás ismét visszaáll a régi szisztémára, azaz 22:00-tól mindenki újfent 1000 pontért igényelhet majd meghívót. Egy szellem sajnos a rendszerünkbe is bejutott és megpiszkálta a rangokat. Az Elite rangú felhasználók 20, míg a Legend-ek 30 torrentet tudnak majd feltölteni a továbbiakban. Pár kósza lélek még előfordulhat, ha minden igaz ők nem jelentenek már komoly veszélyt rátok nézve. Jövőre is támadni fognak minden bizonnyal, ezért számítunk rátok akkor is! GOOGLE TRANSLATE Thanks to hard work of evil spirits, zombies, witches and other demonic creatures retreated, so this year Spo0ky Days ends today at 22:00. As a side effect of calling again to return to the old developed system, ie from 22:00 all new above 1000 points will require an invitation. Unfortunately, our system is a ghost and got poked in the ranks. The Elite 20-level users, while the Legend 's 30 torrents will be able to upload the future. A few stray souls can occur even if it's true they do not pose a serious threat to already looking at you. Next year we will definitely attack, so it is counting on you!
  8. Space Uploading Contest Well folks, Comet ISON is on its way, getting closer to the sun, and with any luck, we'll be treated to quite the light show in the coming months! Now, in olden days, something like this might be seen as a sign from the gods, a harbinger of the coming apocalypse. But here at ScienceHD, we know the dangers of sticking to tradition at the expense of increasing scientific knowledge, so we know that those suggestions would be ridiculous, because clearly it's an alien spaceship. So to commemorate the arrival of our new alien overlords, we'll be kicking off an uploading contest on all things "space", in order to learn more about where they've come from and what else is out there! All space related uploads are eligible for this competition, just remember to add a "space" tag to them. Prizes 1st: VIP Promotion | 5,000,000 credits | 5 Invites | Custom Title | 1st Profile Badge 2nd: 3,000,000 credits | 4 Invites | Custom Title | 2nd Profile Badge 3rd: 2,000,000 credits | 3 Invites | Custom Title | 3rd Profile Badge 4th: 1,750,000 credits | 2 Invites | Custom Title 5th: 1,500,000 credits | 2 Invites | Custom Title 6th: 1,250,000 credits | 1 Invite 7th: 1,000,000 credits | 1 Invite 8th: 750,000 credits | 1 Invite 9th: 500,000 credits | 1 Invite 10th: 250,000 credits | 1 Invite Rules - All uploads that follows the site rules and are tagged with a "space" tag will count - All uploads with a "space" tag will yield a bounty of 50,000 credits during the contest - The competition ends on January 5th (22:00 UTC)
  9. 4 Years of BTN - Some Personal Thoughts Past year has been crazy, lots of old staffers moving on, some coming back once more. Lots of new faces in the staff as well as in userbase, love you all. Caution: stats will follow. We've just breached magical 100,000 torrent mark few weeks back, which is amazing pit stop for all of us. On average, BTN's users have ratio of 1.28, astonishing for ratiofree tracker. Mean number of seeders per torrent is sitting nicely at 11.85, while mean number of snatches per alive torrent at 103.09. Total amount of snatches is around 28.1 million, which equates to 846 snatches per active user. Year ago, classes from Users up to Masters consisted of 30,385 guys/gals, today we're at whopping 32,721. Around 300 new torrents are uploaded daily, including foreign releases. I couldn't have imagined writing birthday post for 4th cakeday year ago, funny how we end up in these places. Its time to think back all the things that these wonderful 4 years have brought us, sure, some of us haven't been here as long, though we can reminisce about the first thing we remember. Lets make 5th running year the most memorable yet! We wish to especially thank all content providers/uploaders, you're the ones giving us endless hours of quality TV. On behalf of the whole staff of BTN: thank you for being a member, all this would be in vain without you guys to support us. Invites for PU+ for 24 hours, more info in the blog post
  10. Tracker Name: tasmanit Genre: TV Sign-up link: Tasmanit Closing Date : N/A Review link : N/A Additional information: Members: 20,201 Torrents: 42,123 Seeders: 20,275 Leechers: 462 Peers: 20,737 Threads: 2,862 Posts: 18,056
  11. Good Job Review added in our index thanks and rep Added to you
  12. Tracker Name : Pianosheets (PS) URL : ClickHere Torrents : 15,646+ Tracker Type: Ratio Based Seed Difficulties : Hard Sign-up : Invite Only Category : Music LOGO : Stats : Homepage : Category : Browse : Collections: Requests : Rules : FAQ : Forum : Top 10: Torrent info : Donation :
  13. Good Job Review added in our index thanks and rep Added to you
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