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Again come the night of horrors ... The main target of zombies and we were boszorkányhadak this year as well . As the years go by , the failed attacks increasing aggression , hunger and desire for revenge provoke people ellenségeinkből . One aim in mind: to prevent execution of their plan . Today, ranging from evening so no one can feel safe because this year will start among our users have great success
Who have recently joined the ranks of our users , here's a brief guide them about the event: that some day in the last years of the horrors of the page tracker occupied by individuals, who largely took control of the site . This year, several developers have successfully plugged the security hole , so the zombies and they can not boszorkányhadak likely to harm the operation of the tracker .
The horrors exasperated great work of programmers , pumpkins and other figures immediately began bombarding the site. Note also the following citation in connection with the characters , " Do not drop your jaw , rather than completely turn up some animals . "
We ask you to joint collaboration to strengthen our defenses . If these figures take me time , I feel that this site is not a major expense . Otherwise, the consequences will be devastating battle ...
Help ye one year course unrewarded , but keep, that there is some particularly dangerous figure among this year's crop .
Most of the figures catcher users are rewarded after beating back the attacks . The available awards namely as follows:
• The 500 Most users figure catcher rewarded 1000 points !
• The 100 Most users figure catcher Legend 's reward for one month , and 1000 points !
Attention ! This year, try a new trick the evil spirits ! It may well be that peaceful exterior conceals a curse !
Of course, thinking about those who are so actively protect our site to some of the illusory figure is caught. For them, we offer the following options :
• Someone who knew the figures , 93% of the reflection of his 1-year Legend rank of 2,000 points and is a colorful , custom Master Spooky will be ranked as a gift !
Users who then click on the Activity armed hit'n'runolható torrents or exceeded the number required for their rank (ie, never received a download -deprived ) in a single month, they can call their friends to the site and a total of 500 points during the Spooky Dayz time .



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