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Invite Scene - #1 to Buy, Sell, Trade or Find Free Torrent Invites

#1 TorrentInvites Community. Buy, Sell, Trade or Find Free Torrent Invites for Every Private Torrent Trackers. HDB, BTN, AOM, DB9, PTP, RED, MTV, EXIGO, FL, IPT, TVBZ, AB, BIB, TIK, EMP, FSC, GGN, KG, MTTP, TL, TTG, 32P, AHD, CHD, CG, OPS, TT, WIHD, BHD, U2 etc.


Please Read: Invite Scene Marketplace Rules


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Guidelines for posting and receiving approval for your marketplace thread

Premium Sellers Section 
You must have Premium User status.
You must have 10+ Positive Feedback.
You must be free from bans and infractions (subject to moderator approval).
Your product/service must comply with all IS rules, including but not limited to, no forums, no coaching, no illegal services. Check the rules before deciding on a thread.
Your thread should include clear contact and refund policies.
Your product and service must be of quality and priced reasonably. Our crew will be the sole arbiters of this.
Secondary Sellers Market
Mandatory marketplace subscription fees of per month.
You must have 10+ Positive Feedback.
You must have an active giveaway in Giveaways section.
You must be free from bans and infractions (subject to moderator approval).
Your product/service must comply with all IS rules, including but not limited to, no forums, no coaching, no illegal services. Check the rules before deciding on a thread.
Your thread should include clear contact and refund policies.
Your product and service must be of quality and priced reasonably. Our crew will be the sole arbiters of this.
Trader's Section, Webmaster Marketplace, Service Offerings, Other Stuffs
Each user is allowed to have only one trading thread. If you want to edit your thread's title, ask our crew to do it for you. Multiple threads will be deleted and the users will receive infractions.
You must be free from bans and infractions (subject to moderator approval).
Your product/service must comply with all IS rules, including but not limited to, no forums, no coaching, no illegal services. Check the rules before deciding on a thread.
Your thread should include clear contact and refund policies.
Your product and service must be of quality and priced reasonably. Our crew will be the sole arbiters of this.
How to submit a Invite Scene marketplace thread
If the above applies please complete the next set of steps:
Chose the Marketplace section that describes your service and create your thread. Images will be held on a third party server, imgur.com or imageshack.us. We have done this in order to speed up the forum, improve page loads and avoid unapproved changes to threads.
Once you have created your thread, it will go into a moderation queue. Make sure your thread is a final edit. Once you have submitted your thread there are no changes allowed!
You are no longer required to send a PM to a MOD stating you have listed a sales thread. You will be contacted by them when they are ready to review your sales thread. This will normally be within 24-48 working hours.
A Moderator will then review your product/service thread, you must provide all necessary information (Example: Unedited Screenshot) or service described in your thread. If you are unable to provide this your thread won't be approved.
Wait patiently to hear back from the staff regarding your sales thread, use PM to respond to the mod within the review process, If your thread is approved your thread will set live on the marketplace forum you created.
Do not try to jump the queue for Marketplace approvals. PM titles such as 'REPLY ASAP!!!!', 'URGENT URGENT URGENT', or anything similar will not gain you favor with the staff. Similarly sending multiple messages or spamming Chatroom will only give a negative impression of your professionalism. Don't do it!
Thread Bumping
Members found to be bumping their thread (deleting a post and then reposting it AND / OR placing consecutive posts within a 24 hours period) will receive a 1 month ban and their Marketplace thread(s) will be removed. 
Bumping clarified
What you cannot do and how to get around it:
1. Promote your Sales thread more than once every 24 hours, this includes putting an advert or coupon style text underneath your response to a question or responding to an order confirmation.
In short you can not promote in any way your Sales Thread more than once every 24 hours.
2. You must not respond to individual order confirmations, try and group the responses together in one post or at the end of each day. 
3. The same as 2 for answering questions, try and group as many as you can in one response. If you are seen to be responding to individual questions a lot in one day this will be seen as Bumping. You can avoid this by sending a PM to the customer who asked the question and then at the end of the day publicly respond to all the questions in one response. 
4. Do not respond with Thank You, use the thank you button for this. 
Why Was My Product/Service Thread Denied?
Having a services thread is a privilege, not a right, staff are under no obligation to approve any thread.
If you do not receive a response from the staff after two weeks, assume that your thread has been denied. We do not discuss the reasons for denied threads, so don't PM asking, this will not get your thread approved. 
Useful Advice
Many of the moderators are available on chatroom, should you need to discuss your services thread or its status, ask here. Be courteous though, as pestering the staff will result in your application being denied.
Don't post if you are not a buyer.
It's simple if you have never used a product/service you can't comment on how it works / how effective it is. We ask all thread creators to report any unreasonable posts to a mod where they will be reviewed. If you are found to be using this service unreasonably you will be banned.
Don't request Free stuff/review 
Don't request free stuff or review in marketplace, this is really annoying.
Avoid being scammed online
All of the staff hate to see members getting scammed and dispute threads being opened. We all work very hard to protect members, deleting 100's of threads a day, and taking lots of time and care on sales/services threads that we allow through. We can only do so much to protect members though, so here are some really simple pointers to help you avoid being scammed.
If a user doesn't have a sales thread approved by a moderator - don't buy. Report the thread.
Don't buy from anyone who started off by saying 'PM me for Offers', there is a reason they don't want to make their details public. If something seems too good to be true - it is.
Exercise extreme caution when clicking on signature links where the poster doesn't have an approved Marketplace.
Always make sure your payment method can be reversed if the service/product provider flakes. Don't send as a PayPal personal payment, don't western union.
Document and store ALL communications, including chat/IM logs.
Always Google for the sellers e-mail address and any other information, they may have scammed other forums.
Stay away from threads/pm's/signatures that promote networks, do a search and due diligence before working with any network.
Check sellers other posts and threads, check have others complained, and how previous customers have rated and reviewed them.
Even if the user has an approved Marketplace thread, ensure that you check them out fully.
Always get full information - don't do your business via PM. It's too easy for internet users to drop off the board when things go pear shaped.
Note: We are working on ways to speed up the approval process, so all threads are reviewed and approve faster. You need to provide all necessary information of your product/service before it will be approved. No exceptions! Once requested, all necessary information must be provided within 72 hours otherwise your thread maybe deleted.
Effectively and immediately, We are removing all selling thread from Secondary Sellers Market.

Useful Links: :pig: Read our Community Guidelines | :wolf: Give Invite Scene some Suggestions 

:bug: Report any Bugs you come across | :unicorn: Donate so we can have more giveaway


For fast sales and after sales service add me on Instant Messengers

Skype: invitervegas
Google+ Hangouts: invitervegas@gmail.com
Windows Live Messenger: invitervegas@hotmail.com
Yahoo! Messenger: invitervegas@yahoo.com
Discord: Inviter#5109


If you need help or have questions that are related to Invite Scene, you can leave me a message. I am more than happy to help.
Any spam/pointless messages will be ignored. Violations against the rules may result in an infraction or ban.
Read the appropriate section stickies/rules before asking me a question because the answer may be there.


Disclaimer: No actual ponies were hurt in the development of this website. If you suffer from an erection lasting more than 6 hours - woo hoo! This site may cause women to become barren and heighten the sensitivity of nipples in men. If you see elephants, please call animal control. Not to be used while skydiving. Invite Scene has been associated with steady weight gain. Children who are prone to stupidity should avoid using Invite Scene. We are not responsible if your anus becomes red or irritated.

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