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Important innovations; piggy bank report

Dear users, dear friends!

Important update: we have completely switched to HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure - httpS (an extension of the HTTP protocol with an encryption add-in to ensure secure data transfer). To use it, if it did not happen automatically, you need to add the letter s to the http address bar once, then the site will be navigated by default at https://, torrents will also be downloaded using this protocol. For those who have problems (for example, winXP as the OS), we left the previous possibility of using http (it is enough to perform actions in the reverse order: remove s in the address bar of the browser). We want to thank our patron for the opportunity to implement this!

As many people have noticed, for convenience, auxiliary icons appeared in the list of torrents, symbolizing one or another status of the user in relation to the distribution, you can read more about the innovation in the FAQ - here

in a few days, a topic will be created on adding missing countries (we know that not all countries are represented and we apologize for the fact that we "didn’t get our hands" to fix this earlier, we’ll fix it). Link to the announcement of this topic, after its creation, will be under the chat.

Traditionally, we thank those who have already supported Piggy Bank (and, in fact, filling the tracker with new products) and those who are only going to help.
You can see the report for the month of October in the corresponding section. We ask you not to forget to support the "Piggy Bank" section, as far as possible.

Thank you for being with us!


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