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Waffles News


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Per a staff member:

We haven't heard from our sysop since August. I think it's fair to say to that Waffles, despite its extreme resilience in the past, is now indeed dead.

I would love to be proven wrong, but there is simply no reason to believe our home is still being worked on.

Personally, I'm pissed. Our sysop initially kept us informed throughout but they simply vanished months ago. I'm done hiding whatever there was left to hide regarding Waffles' situation. I doubt I have more information to give you all, but know that I'm more disappointed than anyone. It's been nearly twelve years since I joined Waffles, and I've been part of its staff for a large part of it. Knowing it's done is a fucking bummer, especially because it shouldn't be. Waffles died a dishonourable death. We didn't get shut down. Incompetence and then negligence fucked us.

I wanted to donate our remaining funds to trackers in need, but apparently this was also managed by our missing sysop. To their credit, our servers haven't been shut down so I don't believe they took the money and ran, but all of it is now being wasted.

I don't know what else there is to say. This post hurts me. I hope we can all remember Waffles for what it was: An amazing community. For what it's worth, RED is doing an amazing job in that department.

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