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TvChaosUK News


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From site's staff on their Facebook page:

Good morning friends of Chaos!
Some of you may have noticed that a few things are a little screwy today...a few words of explaination coming up:

The V2 update was installed during the night and it will take a few days for us to get all the settings back to normal....
The good news is that we are now able to have a shoutbox again!
You can now change your temporary passwords to personal ones and you should also update your email addresses (please everyone do this now, I am not doing manual resets ever again!!!!!)
Anyone who has received h&r warnings or reminders should just ignore them...ratio is the only thing that you need to worry about and these messages are just a result of the update kick starting the h&r system (which is not usually in force). Any other new glitches are likely to also be as a result of the update and should be ignored for now.
Hopefully, once we have the settings right, a lot of the previous issues will disappear...please bear with us!

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