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#1 TorrentInvites Community. Buy, Sell, Trade or Find Free Torrent Invites for Every Private Torrent Trackers. HDB, BTN, AOM, DB9, PTP, RED, MTV, EXIGO, FL, IPT, TVBZ, AB, BIB, TIK, EMP, FSC, GGN, KG, MTTP, TL, TTG, 32P, AHD, CHD, CG, OPS, TT, WIHD, BHD, U2 etc.


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J0zh8eT.png If you find something interesting or even unique on the net -> share it with your friends here!


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KINDERTRAUMA is about the movies, books, and toys that scared you when you were a kid. It’s also about kids in scary movies, both as heroes and villains. And everything else that’s traumatic to a tyke!
Through reviews, stories, artwork, and testimonials, we mean to remind you of all the things you once tried so hard to forget…


Best horror community ever!

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We Feel Fine is an exploration of human emotion on a global scale.
Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world's newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases "I feel" and "I am feeling". When it finds such a phrase, it records the full sentence, up to the period, and identifies the "feeling" expressed in that sentence (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, etc.). Because blogs are structured in largely standard ways, the age, gender, and geographical location of the author can often be extracted and saved along with the sentence, as can the local weather conditions at the time the sentence was written. All of this information is saved.
The result is a database of several million human feelings, increasing by 15,000 - 20,000 new feelings per day. Using a series of playful interfaces, the feelings can be searched and sorted across a number of demographic slices, offering responses to specific questions like: do Europeans feel sad more often than Americans? Do women feel fat more often than men? Does rainy weather affect how we feel? What are the most representative feelings of female New Yorkers in their 20s? What do people feel right now in Baghdad? What were people feeling on Valentine's Day? Which are the happiest cities in the world? The saddest? And so on.
The interface to this data is a self-organizing particle system, where each particle represents a single feeling posted by a single individual. The particles' properties – color, size, shape, opacity – indicate the nature of the feeling inside, and any particle can be clicked to reveal the full sentence or photograph it contains. The particles careen wildly around the screen until asked to self-organize along any number of axes, expressing various pictures of human emotion. We Feel Fine paints these pictures in six formal movements titled: Madness, Murmurs, Montage, Mobs, Metrics, and Mounds.
At its core, We Feel Fine is an artwork authored by everyone. It will grow and change as we grow and change, reflecting what's on our blogs, what's in our hearts, what's in our minds. We hope it makes the world seem a little smaller, and we hope it helps people see beauty in the everyday ups and downs of life.

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COLOURlovers is a creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles

... All in the spirit of love.


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Giphy is the best way to search, share, and discover GIFs on the Internet. Similar to the way other search engines work, the majority of our content comes from indexing based on the best and most popular GIFs and search terms across the web. We organize all those GIFs so you can find the good content easier and share it out through your social channels. We also feature some of our favorite GIF artists and work with brands to create and promote their original GIF content.



Awesome GIF community!

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Giphy is the best way to search, share, and discover GIFs on the Internet. Similar to the way other search engines work, the majority of our content comes from indexing based on the best and most popular GIFs and search terms across the web. We organize all those GIFs so you can find the good content easier and share it out through your social channels. We also feature some of our favorite GIF artists and work with brands to create and promote their original GIF content.



Awesome GIF community!


Awesome site, thanks!


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


WebCanvas is a world wide collaborative painting where anyone can paint and watch others paint.
It's a good old ultimate time killer... :smile:
Share your coordinates here, so we can draw something together! :D

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  • 2 months later...


Giphy is the best way to search, share, and discover GIFs on the Internet. Similar to the way other search engines work, the majority of our content comes from indexing based on the best and most popular GIFs and search terms across the web. We organize all those GIFs so you can find the good content easier and share it out through your social channels. We also feature some of our favorite GIF artists and work with brands to create and promote their original GIF content.



Awesome GIF community!


I like it !!! Thank you

Sorry for my bad english (I am French). I try to do my best without any traductors.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It is a website (in a way a tool/service) that helps you watch YouTube videos without logging in or owning YouTube/Google account. It also allows you to watch YouTube videos on your (Flash enabled) mobile phone when YouTube displays "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile".
So how does this work?
When you encounter a video that asks you to login to YouTube account simply add "nsfw" (without quotes) in front of youtube.com url and press enter and you can watch the movie.
Example (this video is not protected but we use it just to show you how it works):




If you are viewing Youtube video on mobile and it tells you "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile" then it is simmilar solution:




Why should I use it instead of logging in to my YouTube account?
Maybe you are somewhere on public computer  (library,school etc) and you do not want to sign in with your username/password just to view a funny video that your friend shared because you don't know how safe this computer is or maybe you don't even know your password. It is also very easy and fast  to add just 4 letters to URL. Another benefit is that you remain anonymous - no one can connect your Google account with the video you watched.

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Retro Junk

Very nice and cosy community about all kind of nostalgia stuff.

Videos, Reviews, Articles and a very friendly forum.

50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s


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  • 4 weeks later...

Machine translations are useful for getting a general idea about what text written in a foreign language means. However, "general idea" isn't always exactly accurate; the translator literally translates (word for word) the text which often results in grammatically incorrect, if not completely incoherent, text. We've developed Bad Translator to show just how funny things can get. Enter any text in English then click "Translate!" to start. The program translates the text back and forth using FreeTranslation.com, TransPerfect, and Yandex, then displays the final English translation.


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Cryptome is a digital library host created in 1996 by American independent scholars and architects John Young and Deborah Natsios. The digital library functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. According to its mission statement, "Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance—open, secret and classified documents—but not limited to those."

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 6 years later...


On 2/21/2015 at 10:08 AM, amazinghorse said:

It is a website (in a way a tool/service) that helps you watch YouTube videos without logging in or owning YouTube/Google account. It also allows you to watch YouTube videos on your (Flash enabled) mobile phone when YouTube displays "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile".
So how does this work?
When you encounter a video that asks you to login to YouTube account simply add "nsfw" (without quotes) in front of youtube.com url and press enter and you can watch the movie.
Example (this video is not protected but we use it just to show you how it works):




If you are viewing Youtube video on mobile and it tells you "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile" then it is simmilar solution:




Why should I use it instead of logging in to my YouTube account?
Maybe you are somewhere on public computer  (library,school etc) and you do not want to sign in with your username/password just to view a funny video that your friend shared because you don't know how safe this computer is or maybe you don't even know your password. It is also very easy and fast  to add just 4 letters to URL. Another benefit is that you remain anonymous - no one can connect your Google account with the video you watched.

Wow, nice one. I never discover this site till now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not exactly rare, but I've found a lot of great stuff at https://archive.org/

The idea behind the site is to preserve as much old content as possible. To me it was useful to find video for old stuff, a lot of people upload VHS tapes that they recorded on their own.

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